Includes minutebooks related to physics and allied science committee activities: (S. 272) New Laboratories (University College, Liverpool) Building Committee, 8 Nov. 1883-30 April 1887 (1 vol.) [Chemistry building, used for teaching of Physical and other branches of Chemistry]; (S.150) Engineering (Building) Committee, 21 Dec. 1886-14 Feb. 1890 (1 vol.) [Walker Engineering Laboratories, which for much of their history have been principally used by the Department of Mechanical Engineering]; (no. 1060) George Holt Physics Laboratory Building Committee, 27 Nov. 1899-27 March 1906 (1 vol.); (S. 172-173) Chemistry Building Committee, 20 July 1949-9 Aapril 1964 (2 vols.) [Donnan Laboratories, designed for Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry]; (S. 174) New Physics Building Sub-Committee, 4 July 1955-22 Feb. 1963 (1 vol.) [Chadwick Laboratory]; (S. 2936) Mathematics [and Oceanography] Building Committee, 30 Oct. 1957-10 Sept. 1962 (1 vol.); (S. 2928 and S. 4203) Committee for the Control of Radiation Exposure, 16 Jan. 1959-30 April 1985 (2 vols.); (S. 180) Van de Graaff Building Sub-Committee, 27 May 1959-19 Feb. 1963 (1 vol.); (S. 3070 and S. 4202) Special Committee on the Joint Nuclear Reactor, 29 Nov. 1962-1 May 1986 (2 vols.); (S. 3072) Physics Building Sub-Committee, 21 July 1964-8 May 1970 (1 vol.) [Oliver Lodge Laboratory].